Advice for Bloggers

I have some advice for Bloggers, Writers or folk promoting themselves or their business.

Some many years ago, I ran networking events for small business owners.  One of the things I gave advice about, was the exchanging of business cards.  If they have the correct/updated information, they are bound to cause some curiosity by the recipient.  Of course, if there has been an opportunity to tell the recipient a little about the business, it usually adds to the exercise.

What? No business cards?

I currently work with writers/bloggers and when I request a business card, they look at me with a blank face and explain that they are not “in business” so don’t understand the need for “business cards”.  I then refer to them as “name/contact” cards.  How can people find you if you make it difficult to make contact with you?

Now, I know that there is a focus on all things “internet” – from websites, Facebook and other on-line social network opportunities, but I do believe that there is still a place for business cards/name/contact cards.  People can hold them and read them at their leisure and they have in their hands the different ways you can be contacted – that is if the card has the info.

So what should you have printed on your cards?  This is terribly important!!  Your name, your phone number/s, your email, your website/blog site URL,  and a little bit about you.

Advice for Bloggers 1

The above card is one that I have used for some time.  I have them printed by Vistaprint.  It’s funny as I have “Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter” which causes some mirth when they read it.  Then they ask me questions – what do I write, where do I travel, what camera, etc.  They are so inexpensive, that if and when I want to promote anything special. e.g. book, blog, workshop project or similar, I add it to the back.  I have a Dymo Labelmaker, which I update if and when I wish to add further information.

“Make it Easy for People to Find You, your website, your blog”

Let as many people as possible know about your blog.  If you have just released an e-book, add the URL to the back of the cards, or get some new one’s printed.  Make it easy for your prospects. That is important advice to help you create success for your project.

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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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