Saving Documents

Who is interested in Saving Documents?

I have always been interested in history – and yes family history too.  Is it because I have been fascinated by my own family history? All my life I have been saving documents that I feel may be of interest to my descendants?  Fortunately, I have had a family member, who was a historian.  She has written several books about our ancestors.  I have copies of her work.

However, I feel that of every family there is probably only one person interested in their history.  In my own family, my parents kept quite a few documents, but my sister and her side of the family have shown no interest.  My own daughter and son, have shown little interest, so I am hoping the next generation will.  In any case, I have provided them with much information and ephemera.

My Own Collection

Despite all my moves around Australia, from my home town in Adelaide to Mt Gambier, Warrnambool, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, I have kept plenty of documents.  I have many photos of me as a toddler, though there are few of my sister.  Was it the honour of being the first child of the family, that resulted in more photos of me?  I understand that this does happen.

I certainly have most if not all of the important documents of my life, including school photos, report cards, certificates, letters and more.  Impressive actually.

Who should be “in charge” of Family History?

As probably the only family member interested in history, much of the material has been given to me.  Most I was familiar with, but over the last few days, I’ve discovered more that I didn’t know, or I had forgotten.  It is a good idea to “select” someone to be the one to hold all the documents safely.  Perhaps discuss some “rules” or suggestions.  Who will take it on if the original “carer” is unable to?

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One certificate of mine of which I am proud, is an “Award of Merit” which was probably sent around 1954.  I wrote an article which was published in the paper, which was a publication for The Argonauts Club, which was based on Greek Mythology.  The Argonauts was a children’s club of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, way back in the 50’s.

Saving Documents 2

I have an extraordinary amount of ephemera going back many years.  I’m just hoping that the collection is of value to some folk.

What are the most interesting or important documents that you have in your collection.

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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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