Smoking Cigarettes

Did I smoke cigarettes?

Sadly, yes, I confess.  I did smoke cigarettes.  I started in my late teens, and during my nursing training, I was a regular with a fag in my mouth.  Fortunately, I don’t think I have any photographs of evidence of what I did.

Perhaps I can blame my parents.  Not only was it popular for actors and actresses to smoke in most of the films (yes, from the US) that we saw in those days.  There are several reasons I feel that I can put the shame on my parents – they did smoke for many years, and at no time did I get any discouragement about doing so myself.

But it is this photo that I found many years later that showed me that I was given the opportunty to ruin  my health at a very young age.

Taken by my parents?

Dianne at about 6 months of age – early smoker.


I did smoke Alpine Cigarettes I think during my late teens and early 20’s, before I gave it up completely.  I certainly ended my smoking before my husband and parents.  When I learned how dangerous it was to one’s health, and that I had children in the home, it was the end for me, but I do laugh about my nursing days, when I “taught” new students to smoke.

At that time I preferred a cigarette rather than eat – which made me very skinny and I did have other eating issues too.

Ban Smoking?

Yes, it should be banned.   I am surprised that stores still stock these things, and am appalled at the number of shops that have opened, selling often illegal cigarettes and now Vapes, which also have been discovered to be dangerous to one’s health.  And clearly the warning signs on cigarette packets haven’t helped rid us of this horrid stuff.

I remember in China, where many folk (mostly men) smoked awful cigarettes with dark smoke.  Occasionally women did – but mostly men.

Tobacco Growing in Queensland

Whenever I drive on the old “Bruce Highway”70 in Queensland that runs through the beautiful Glasshouse Mountains, it reminds me of the tobacco farms that were there from the early 1920’s until the last one was closed in 2006.  Initially the growing of tobacco in this reason was enccouraged by the Australian government due to unemployment issues.  It’s great story to read – here.

I do recall the fields of tobacco growing around Beerway, and until recently little wooden “barns” were visible in the area, where the tobacco was dried.



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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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