Speaking at Boonah

Blogging at Boonah

Only two days to go before I am at Boonah doing a presentation on blogging.   I have several topics that I speak about when asked to talk.  I do have a couple of (strange) topics that I am asked to speak on, but this time it will be about Blogging.

Only a few weeks ago I was a speaker at Bribie Island, on writing your own obituary for the Probus club there.   I am almost ready – notes completed and PowerPoint presentation done.  However, every now and then I think of something else to add.  I only have 45 minutes, so hope I can fit it all in within that time.

Beaudesert here I come

I have driven through Beaudesert on more than one occasion, and I will be staying overnight there tomorrow.  I could not get accommodation at Boonah, and wanted to get closer to the venue of my presentation.  Driving to Boonah from Wynnum to arrive by 9am could be problematic, but as I am a member of www.hotels.com and have a free night due to me, I wanted to make my morning journey shorter.

Again I have driven through Boonah previously, but am hoping to have time for a longer look around this Scenic Rim place.


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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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One Response to Speaking at Boonah

  1. Hello Di,
    Your blog was shared by one of the people who attended the Writers’ Workshop this morning, also at Boonah. I hope that you had a very successful workshop and that it was attended by nice people. And that you enjoyed visiting this beautiful part of the world!
    I’m about to have a look at your FB group for bloggers as well. It’s good to support each other.
    Warm regards,

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