Christmas and New Year

Christmas and New Year Plans

Christmas and New Year 1

2023 Christmas Card

As December approaches,  I plan for Christmas and the New Year. I like to get organised with my Christmas cards, and plans for the next year.

I have been creating my own Christmas Cards for several years – especially for family and close friends.  I take a photograph and then head to Officeworks where I print them. I then glue them to a 5″ x 7″ card and write my message inside.  I have to plan for this some months before –  so planning for Christmas and New Year starts early.

The photo above is my 2023 version.  The Merry Christmas part is the lid of a small box that I bought several years ago.  The fluffy dog toy has been with me a long time too, and the glass fairy has been in my possession for probably 25 years. Read below about my fairy.

In years past, I have been well organised (most of the time) and have sent my special cards and a letter detailing the events of the year, to family around Australia.  this year, I have been slack.  In part, it is because I can’t find the file with all the family addresses.  In part, it is also, that many people do not reciprocate and I never hear from them.

Tottie, the Glass Fairy

I have no idea how she came to be in my life, but it was over 24 years ago.  She has had many adventures, mostly starring in my photos.  Two of my wonderful grandchildren lived nearby, and when they were toddlers, I would show them a photo of a small garden ornament, where Tottie the fairy lived.  They never saw her there, but, “magically” I was able to occasionally see her in the garden and I would take a photo and show the girls.  They were always excited and would often sneak out to the garden to see if Tottie was there.  Sadly for them, they never saw her there.

Later, I would take Tottie to their home, and take photos of her amongst the gerberas (we had a family gerbera farm there), or in their bedrooms with their toys.  The grandchildren (now adults) are not as excited seeing Tottie now, as they used to be but I choose to use her still – that is why she is on the Christmas card 2023!

Christmas Sorted – Now End of Year Plans

I do like to have my plans organised by the end of the year, but it is January, that I find the time to focus on the details.  I have a notepad with lots of notes, scribbles, exclamation marks, and highlights from green and yellow highlighter pens.  But I am not ready yet.  I look forward to the first couple of weeks of 2024, when I will finalise the details.

Writing – I plan to do more, and finish some works that have been lying ignored in my computer or printed in a huge folder.  I will be blogging more – and doing a couple of courses (already paid for, so I will have to do them) and hoping to reach more readers.

I have taken on a role with the Older Women’s Network Queensland, which will take up considerable time in 2024, but I am trying to carefully plan the time so that I don’t miss my writing deadlines.

Holiday?  Thinking about it – but I may have two house-sitting gigs on this year.  One will be caring for a cat and some chickens.   And the chickens have had a fox and a large python in their pen in the last week, so I might be having a very interesting time.

I am looking forward to 2024 with great excitement.  And maybe going back to study in 2025.  Bring it on.

Christmas and New Year 2

Christmas Card Photo 2022

Question for my readers – do you plan the next year before Christmas?

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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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