Colouring In

I think many adults are a little curious about the “fad” of colouring in.  It seems that it is not just the young who are doing it.  Apparently, the idea of adults colouring in came about in France about 3 years ago, and has spread around much of the world.  I have picked up a few books in shops and admired the work and wondered if I would become “addicted” to it.

Last week I went to the birthday party of a friend who was 70, and I spent ages trying to work out what to give her.  I found one of the colouring in books in a local shop, and bought it for her.  I am yet to determine if she was happy with it!!

In researching for this post I found a site where you can download some pictures to colour in, and I did so.  Click here to see what I downloaded.  I have learned that one does not need to spend a lot on colour pencils, so I will use some that I keep here for grandchildren, and see what results.

Below is some from this website. 


So why are adults doing this?  Apparently, it is good fun, perhaps as much as it was when we enjoyed it as children.  While once it might have been considered not the done thing for an adult, it is now ok.

There are some that say that it is relaxing and fun.

There are many books available in book and craft shops so it might be work exploring.  I like the idea of printing them out – so maybe one day I can give some sheets to my grandchildren to do.

Has anyone tried it?

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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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