Doing the Ultimate Blog Challenge

My Challenge with the Ultimate Blog Challenge 2025

It is not the first time that I have participated in the Ultimate Blog Challeng – and when  I signed up for this year’s event I had planned to have set up another blog.  It is on my list of things to do in 2025, but already I have found that only 8 days into the new year, I have taken on too much, and the blog I planned is not ready yet.  So I figured I would use my “old” website for this task.  I am so challenged and with 22 days to go, I am wondering what will happen.

The Challenge

I doubt anyone would find my ramblings of interest at the moment, but it is all I can do.  Already my diary is filling up with events for the next few months, and I look and wonder if I can cope with it all.

As an office bearer of an organisation I have commitments for some meetings and training in the next few weeks, and am a guest speaker at some events over the next few months.  Being a speaker is not a big deal to me – I’ve been doing this sort of thing for years, and I was a teacher.  But it is the way my diary is filling up fast already.

One thing I do want to achieve before the end of January 25, is to publish on Amazon Kindle. Kindle Direct that is.  I have a series of tales about my time living in China, that I hope will make people laugh.  My time living and working there was an unforgettable experience for many reasons, and I often have friends or family laughing about  some of my adventures.

I also find it difficult that the Challenge suggestions appear in my inbox at 6 pm.  Too late in the day for me!  Some of the topics are especially challenging for me too, since I don’t have a business or a “niche” at the moment.

My first publication on Kindle Direct is a test to see what happens!

Why I love my Kindle.

Since 2005 I have done a lot of travelling.  I do get bored with long trips on a plane and I enjoy reading from my Kindle along the journey.  I mostly travel alone, so conversations are few and far between, but I can keep myself busy with my Kindle.  My first Kindle was one of the early ones and still works, but with the updates it is slow.  So I have a Kindle Papewhite now, and in some ways find it better, but I do have some challenges with the new one.

When travelling on a plan a “real” book can be heavy, and as I can be a copious reader at times, I’d rather not have to worry about the weight.

When I was living in China, we found a book shop that also sold books in English, and we loved visiting, though didn’t spend a lot of money on books.  There was a cafe associated with the library and they had a menu in English.  That was one of the many attractions for us English speakers.  Also they had Western toilets – we could sit rather than squat, over a strange hole.

But still my Kindle (the old one) was my choice for reading.

Bus and Train Travel

Yes, my Kindle is great for this.  As usual I am mostly on my own, so pulling out my Kindle and reading, even for  short trips, works well for me.  One of the benefits is, that Kindle remembers where the last page was that you read.  Easy to pick up where I left off, before departing from the train or bus.

Oh, and the new one fits neatly into my handbag, in its little Chinese made bag that protects it from all the other stuff in my bag.

Taken with my Pixal phone camera.

My Kindle and it’s Bag

(Do I really think I can make $1000 a day Blogging?)

I love Real Books

I like REAL books though.  The one’s I buy from a book shop, or the author, or that I borrow in the library.  There’s nothing better than the feel and smell of a real book!!

What is your preference?

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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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