Great Quotes from Great Women

What are the best Inspirational Quotes for Older Women?

With International Women’s Day only weeks away, I sought some great words by inspirational women. There are so many!!!

As most of the writers and readers for the UBC appear to be from the US, my first great quotes are from a couple of amazing women from that location.

As I am senior, I am interested in words of wisdom that might inspire senior women – many of whom are in challenging stages of their lives and I’d love to think that these quotes might be of value to them.

Life can be challenging as you grow older, as for some it can be challenging with family or friends with deteriorating health and your “old” world changing – often resulting in sadness, depression and loneliness.  So words that encourage or inspire can be very helpful.

Betty White, who was an actress, comedian, activist, and television and radio personality and quite an inspiration in all that she did.  Her inspirational quote is :

“Getting older is not something to be afraid of. It’s a privilege”

Oprah Winfrey’s quote is

Getting older is the best thing that ever happened to me. I wake up every morning rejoicing that I’m still here with an opportunity to begin again and be better.”   

Amusingly, some of those words are often used when one asks an older person how they are.  “I am still here”.

Quotes from Amazing Australian Women

This article was published in 2019, on International Women’s Day in the National Geographic magazine, listing quotes from a wide range of women over many years, that are inspiring.

I won’t quote them here, but I suggest you go to this site to read the brief stories and their wonderful quotes. Click here.

from website

Cathy Freeman – Australian Athlete.

I am going to print some of them for myself, so that I can regularly read them – especially at any time I am feeling poorly. We all need some great inspiration.  Sometimes often.

What is your favourite quote?



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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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