HeForShe Movement

He for She Movement

How did I not know about this movement?  Me, who is often outspoken about the discrepancy between the way women are treated and the way men seem to be in positions of power and how women are discriminated against in so many areas. I was interested to read the material about the HeforShe Movement, and it’s fight for gender equality.

I get accused of being a “man-hater”, and I am happy to confess that there are some that I do “hate” although that is not a word that I am happy to use.  I prefer not to “hate” anyone, though I do hate the behaviour of some men.  We do need to change the gender disparity, and give women equal rights, all over the world.

Today I accidentally came across several interesting videos on TED Talks.  Apparently there was a special program for women several years ago, which featured amazing women.  One of the talks was this one below, about an organisation called “HeForShe” which promotes the ideas of more equality between males and females.

The HeForShe movement is part of the United Nations program, and is alive and well in Australia, but I have found that few people know about it.

I’m a great fan of TEDTalks, and when I was browsing through the website watching some of the speakers, I came across the talk by a woman, talking about her experience as the president of an African country.   I found it most interesting and spent the next hour or so watching other talks.

An Older Amazing Woman

The above speaker is amazing.  At the time of her talk, she was 81 years old and doing well! But there are some questions about her leadership.  Do a Google search to see more. Should we always believe what we read or hear in the press?

Women’s Movements and Organisations

I have tended to be involved with women’s organisations for most of my life.  Not a deliberate act to avoid mail groups, though there was a period that I must confess, I felt like that.  When you have been mistreated by males……..

The Girl Guide movement was my first connection with organisations for women.  In fact I joined as a “Brownie” the younger GG group.  In most of my employment I have worked with women – nursing of course in those days was a girl’s domain, though we were of course subservient to the male doctors.  But other than their “rounds” to see patients it was an all women life.  Except for the male patients and the many males that hung around the nurses quarters….

Over the years I have been involved in organisations such as Quota International (women’s service club),  Lioness (for women were denied membership in the male Lions International), and I am currently a member of the Society of Women Writers (for once upon a time, women had to pretend to be men to get their books published).  (J.K. Rowling is one more recent writer whose gender was disguised).

Older Women’s Network

These days I am a member of the Older Women’s Network, and many of us don’t like the name of the group, which is a world wide group focusing on the needs of women over 50 years of age.

So man women are “left behind” for it is acknowledged that many males die before their partner/spouse.  Divorce also leaves many senior women alone.

I note that many older men find a new (younger) wife, where women do not.  So many men find women from Europe or Asia, often those seeking to move to a better country (Australia) and are happy to work to help the older man who has “rescued” them from a more difficult life.  It doesn’t work the other way round – older women generally do not find a young man willing to “take care” of her in her latter days.

There are many organisations to join, for friendship and a better social life.  And the HeForShe is an interesting group to explore.  As are TED talks.

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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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