More on Purple

More  Purple

There’s much more to my purple collection than I wrote about in the first post.  Did I mention my bed sheets?  Bath towels? Paint? Teddy Bears? Key ring? Bamboo knitting? And so it goes.

If I am out shopping I am often drawn to any purple items in the shops – I don’t buy anything and everything, but if it is an item that I am likely to choose, I may just take it to the checkout and pay!

Also, I often have purple hair – not all my locks are in purple, but I manage to colour my hair purple, usually on the right-hand side.  I find it amusing how many people comment.  In the most amazing random places, it happens.  Yesterday as I was leaving the Brisbane City Hall after a Seniors Christmas Party Event, one of the male staff members stopped me to say he loved my hair.  I have been in a hospital (visiting a friend) and two doctors stopped me to comment positively on my hair colour.

Certainly, many ladies with coloured hair stop me, to comment about my hair colour.   I find it amusing.  It’s one way to get noticed – in a positive sense!

More on Purple 1

More Purple

Purple pens, purple USB sticks, manilla folders, notebook covers, and pens, (oh, and I use a fountain pen with purple ink too!)  I have a laugh when I look around my unit and see the purple items.  It’s random.  Fun.

I find it all amusing really.  I am often chuffed when someone gives me a gift – and that it is purple.  It doesn’t happen all the time – but when I do we usually laugh, and love it that folk know about my “addiction”.

The New Movie – The Color Purple

My memory doesn’t serve me well sometimes, and I have tried to recollect ever seeing the movie by this name, way back in 1985.  I can recall some details, but not sure if I saw the movie with Oprah Winfrey, but I have learned that there is a “remake” of the movie called “The Color Purple” due out in January 2024.  I do plan to see it when in comes to a a theatre near me – but I have watched the trailer and it looks very brutal to me.  Not the sort of movie that I am keen on, but I will make sure I see it.

I certainly know about the brutality of those days in American History.

I wonder if the new movie will be as successful as the one released in 1985?

Here is a trailer of the new movie.


Have you any comment on the movie/s?

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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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