My Blog Niche

What is My Blog Niche?

Well, I don’t have a Blog Niche. When I started this site many moons ago, it was just a space to rabbit on about my adventures.  I have nothing to sell, don’t normally promote anyone or anything.  But that is about to change.

Why do I blog?  Well, it is something I’ve done since an unexpected trip from Australia in 2005 when I was offered a gig travelling to Ireland to do some research.  My friends said – send me photos, stories etc.  I found out about and used that platform to write the stories of my travels.

Later I found Blogger, and as it was free and easy to use, I have used that for a long time.  Generally, it was just recording my travels and telling the stories and presenting my many photos.

And travel I did!  I had so many adventures when living and teaching in China and South Korea.

Divorce, Study and Travel

After nearly two years of teaching in Asia, I returned home and left my husband.  For the next two years, I was house sitting around the state and at the same time studying at Swinburne University for a Master of Arts (Writing).

At the end, after graduation, I drove solo around Australia, a trip of some 40,000 kms. Many stories and photographs.

Over the past few years I’ve been busy on other projects, but still update the blog on this site.  Nothing to sell.  No Niche.  Just writing.

Taken by me in Hangzhou

In the Silk Museum in Hangzhou in 2010.

More Travel

I’ve had several trips to China, and Singapore, several around Australia, including driving a Toyota Coaster to the centre of Australia, travelling on The Ghan from Darwin to Adelaide, and in 2018 I visited Dubai and London.

There’s been little travel in the last 18 months – so I am looking forward to doing some in 2020!

New Blog Niche?

As it happens I am about to go into business, and with some study to do over the next few months, I am not ready to set up the new website where I will write and then will have a Niche.  Time will tell if it is going to work.

Meanwhile, I will yabber on here.  Thank you for reading.

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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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