New Year – New Plans

Happy New Year 2022

It is good to see the end of 2021 and all the dramas with COVID-19, and I know folk have had many more challenges as a result of Covid than I have had, though my life has not been as good as I would have liked.

A few of my plans did not work as I had wanted, but in the end, I had some successes and in all, I am reasonably happy with my life in 2021. But I am planning more exciting things in 2022.

Will I move to better accommodation? Will I be successful with my new ventures?

Happy new year 2022 Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock

Happy New Year

What Are My Plans for 2022?

Well, I don’t intend to go into detail here, but one of the key issues is to spend more time on my writing. I have a couple of projects I am working on, and I have some works unfinished. I do have something that I worked on a few years ago, and it is essentially finished, So I plan to review, update/edit, and publish it as an e-book. In fact, a Kindle ebook.

Over the holiday period, I did some study and research on creating a Kindle ebook, and am going to explore the possibilities. I am excited that even short stories can be published on this platform and today I wrote nearly 4000 words on a new manuscript. I expect to do around 12000 words – perhaps by the end of the week.


My plans for 2022 include downsizing. I certainly have more things than I can fit into this small one-bedroom unit. And as I age, I am going to make it easier for my family should I “drop off this mortal coil”. So part of my planning includes sorting out my writing and finances.  I have already removed a lot of things – thrown out lots of things that are unlikely to be used again, past their use by date etc.

GAB Workshops

Nearly two years ago I studied Guided Auto Biography and became a qualified to run workshops for people wanting to write their own life stories. I have not done a face-to-face course since Covid but managed to do one via Zoom early last year. I am starting to plan a course in 2022, but again the dreaded Covid is having an impact on my plans.

So Face to Face or Zoom? Will I or won’t I? Time will tell?

Website and Blogging

I intent to keep up to date with regular posts on this site too. And share many of my photos.  I have created many cards with photos – and shall continue to  give them away as I have done for a long time.

New Year - New Plans 1

Waterfall in the gardens of the Queensland Art Gallery

I have plenty to keep me occupied during the year.  I find it exciting.

Happy New Year.

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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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