Happy New Year
I have enthusiastically started the New Year. 2017 is going to be exciting. I have some BIG plans and am already running into some trouble. You see, as usual I have taken on too much. As usual I am confident I can complete all on my “To Do List”, but perhaps not within the time frame indicated.
The Ultimate Blog Challenge..
Why take on the UBC again? I’ve never completed it. While doing one blog entry per day is not normally a challenge for me, I always seem to get caught up in the middle somewhere. Maybe it is travel or some of the other projects I work on. Like the BANG Committee. Or the Caboolture Historical Village.
This year it is likely to be another project. But more about that later. Or perhaps it is my penchant for travel. Often rather unplanned. I can wake in the morning and decide to take off to somewhere.
Finding Stories for Weekend Notes.
The fact that I write for WeekendNotes.com is one major incentive for me to up anchor and set off on an adventure. If I am looking for new ideas for articles I may just go somewhere. Anywhere. Though I am somewhat organised about it. I need a destination. I explore as I go.
One that is likely to occur within the next 6 weeks is a trip to Rockhampton, central Queensland. Why? Because. Actually my former next door neighbour is there, and she has asked that I stay a day or two with them. I know that on the way up there – maybe via the Bruce Highway I will find plenty of places to visit and write about. I often say “You never never know, if you never ever go.” So I just go and as I drive I watch for signs. Not the sign from above type signs, but the pointers to various tourist or other places of interest. I find things. Places find me.

I love taking photos of history. Old buildings.
But meantime I have my huge To Do List to work on. Maybe, just maybe I will need a break by the end of January. Lookout Rocky, here I come!!