It is not something I think about often, but I have never forgotten it, but the Argonauts Club was part of my life many years ago. I was a member and would rush home from school, perhaps in my late primary school and high school days, to listen to the program. I would write stories and send them, and then listen more intently to the radio/wireless. This was of course before television came to our home.
It is rather emotional for me just listening (and singing along with the music) the song that was always the introduction to the program which lasted on Australian radio between 1941 and 1972 I think.
I was Sardinia 34 – and had several of my stories read out on the radio. It is funny, because I would have been the only one who knew who Sardinia 34 was – for our real names were not used, though I think our ages were. It was a great introduction to art, literature, music and learning – the latter which I have continued to do all my life.
It was a special time in my life. I know of several people who were Argonauts and they have, like me, never forgotten the ship and number which was given to them. Once television became popular in homes, it’s popularity floundered. I still recall sitting by the radio – a big monster of a thing – listening. And I can remember the whole family sitting quietly around the radio on a Sunday night listening to the Lux Theatre I think.
Television came to my home when I was in my fourth year of high school. A big black and white screen – or big by our standards then, although my father would not have spent a lot of money on a television.