Meet Di

Di was born in Adelaide in South Australia.  She attended several schools in the southern suburbs, and while an enthusiastic learner, was a keen Girl Guide, meeting with Lady Baden Powell on her only visit to Adelaide, and later earned the Queen’s Guide Award.

A teaching career is what Di wanted when at school – but instead, she embarked on a nursing career in her late teens and trained as a nurse (hospital-based training) at Mt Gambier, South Australia, graduating as a registered nurse.

After her marriage, the family moved around Australia, so she has worked in hospitals in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.  As well she was a medical representative, shopping centre marketing manager, art gallery owner and more – often holding two or more positions at a time.

Di completed a degree in Adult and Vocational Teaching at Griffith University in 2002, working in the training industry.  At last, she was a teacher!  In 2008, Di embarked on a career teaching English to students at universities in China and South Korea.

In 2012 she graduated from Swinburne University with a Master of Arts (Writing), and then set out on a solo drive around Australia taking five months to complete the journey, taking thousands of photographs, and visiting many interesting historical destinations in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

She founded the Writers of Wynnum Manly, is a member of the Queensland Writers Centre and is past-president of the Society of Women Writers Qld. (2017/18, 2018/19). Currently Vice President of the Older Women’s Network Queensland and Core Member of the Older Women’s Housing Movement.

For several years Di has been a guest speaker at events, speaking on topics such as Teaching and Living in China, Blogging, Writing your own Obituary and more.

Di’s many interests include writing, photography, bamboo, travelling, housing for senior solo women, and more.

Di is a Senior Writer for, and writes content for a number of websites, as well as creating websites using WordPress.

Meet Di 1


6 Responses to Meet Di

  1. Vicki Williams says:

    Unfortunately bloggs are blocked here but I can read your web site. Hopefully by the time you set off on your travels, access to blogs will be okay, if not I will just have to catch up later.

  2. Rosemary Sutherland says:

    Good to meet you. most impressed with your web site
    Shall keep in touch
    Hope grad ceromony went well

  3. Dr Gareth Boardman says:

    HI Di {alliteration not really intended],
    It was a real personal pleasure to meet you and your Northern associate Christine at your well-earned graduation on the 12th. I imagine that you felt the same pride and pleasure that I did in striding across the stage and to receive the approbation of our peers. Well done all. There is no ulterior motive to this epistle – just a cheery “hi” to my colleagues.

    • admin says:

      Hi Gareth – great to hear from you and great to meet you too. We did enjoy the event, though sad that we were the only two of our group to attend graduation! Di

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