Life Story Writing has tremendous value. There are so many stories that should be told.
I have vivid recollections of sitting with patients in Mount Gambier, South Australia hospital, as they told their story to me. Often it would be not long before they left this world. I was fascinated, as I am now, about the incredibly diverse experiences people have. The highs, the lows, their family stories and more.
At that time I lamented that their stories were not being recorded, and I lament now, how little we know about people.
Have you ever attended a funeral and learned so much about your friend, or family member and been surprised to discover information that you had wished you could have learned more about, when they were alive?
As well, when someone does pass away, it is often difficult for the family, or the person left to organise the final ceremony, to find out the detail of the deceased life. Why don’t we record our lives for future generations?
I hope to inspire people to write their own life story. Not necessarily a book – 500 words perhaps. I know that if one sets out to write/record around 500 words, the information spills out.
Why not start now?
Need help?
A blog post on “Ephemera”
Let me know………Contact me here
Read my blog here.
Life Story Writing Workshops – I am available for workshops in the Brisbane area. Minimum of 5 people – all attendees will receive Di’s publication “How to Start Writing Your Life Story.” For more information use Contact Page.
I really like the set up of your site Di.
I am also doing life writing.
Thank you for visiting here Julie. I think there is so much potential for writers to record even ‘mini biographies’ – we must chat about it one day. D