Chaos – Oh, please stop.


Oh, it has been a lot of Chaos.  If only my plans all worked out as I had imagined.  Still, it has been exciting.

I have had trouble with phones and internet access.  Optus and Telstra. Long conversations from the outback have been marginally fruitless, but I am coping.

A couple of weeks ago I was asked by SBS to participate in a program on Homeless Women, so had to re organise my life.  I had to re organise my life and head off to Mt Isa earlier than originally planned.  I would not be with the groups that I had planned to be with.

Chaos - Oh, please stop. 1

Between Kynuna and McKinlay

So I set off on Tuesday afternoon after a Society of Women Writers meeting, and full of fear, set off up the ranges through Toowoomba and had my first night at Dalby.  I made it.  Not used to driving the Coaster – big, manual.  Eeek.  But I did it.

To Sydney and SBS.

Fast forward (and I will detail my stops later) I made it to Mt Isa, in a Caravan Park.  On the Tuesday, (August 15th) I was up early and on a plane to Sydney (via Brisbane), arriving around 4.15 pm with less than half an hour to get ready to go to the SBS Studio.

At the studio I had my makeup done and quickly into the studio to commence the Insight program.  It was freaky.  But I did it.  I freaked too because they showed some filming of me and Murtle back in Brisbane.  Filming done the day before I left Brisbane.

The program was filmed for around 3 hours, before we were taken to have a glass of wine and then taken back to the hotel.  There were 5 of us at the hotel and we had breakfast together before departing.  Another long day in planes from Sydney to Brisbane to Mt Isa. I was knackered.

I’m back on the road again.  There’s a lot of “chatter” about the show – but I can’t find anything online.





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About Di Hill

My business card says "Writer, Traveller, Camera Addict, Bamboo Fan, Workshop Presenter." This website will focus on my writing - and the workshops I present. Workshops on Blogging, Marketing for Writers, and Life Story Writing.
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