China Stories
I’m never short on stories of my many trips to China from 2009 to 2017, but I can add some more now. In my early days of teaching at Yuexiu University, I met a young lady who was a student at the university. She was one of two students that came to Australia and stayed with some fellow ESL teachers, and I was their “tour guide” for the two weeks they were on Australian soil.
Over the years I have been on several visits to China and so my young friend and her brother, and later her new husband stayed with me. Now she is here on her own, and is keeping me busy doing a lot of things here. She does have some medical issues that I am helping her with, so we spend a lot of time together. She does not stay with me as I have limited space, but we see each other every day.
Every Day is an Adventure
I used to use these words when in China, but here in my own country, I am saying it again. My friend, who I will call Jing (not her real name), keeps me busy. Some days we have appointments or plans that I am familiar with – in fact I probably made the arrangements, but other things happen.
She likes shopping. So we will go to a shopping mall, and while I am rather bored by shopping, I go along with it all – for her. She is always comparing prices and says many things are too expensive here. I tell her they are made in China and we have to pay for the freight and handling. But she always checks prices here and there, checks on the quality and so forth.
Mention gambling and her ears prick up. Twice she has ventured into Poker Machine places, but with not much luck. I have only put money in one machine on one occasion and am $20 in profit, and her losses are probably triple that. She spent ages at one of those machines with big stuffed toys and after about $25 she managed to get one. Not anything that would appeal to me.
On the Phone
She does spend hours on the phone, and while I am driving I hear a lot of Chinese chatter. She manages a family business in North China, and is in contact with the workers 6 days a week. Yes, they have Sundays off. Her parents and brother call, friends and more, so she is not bored at all. She likes collecting sea shells (not a lot around here, but she searches, and sometimes finds a few.
New Friends
She’s also made two new friends. Somehow I make friends easily and have two ladies I know, (one from Taiwan and the other from Shaoxing – the place I spent a lot of time), and they have strong bonds now too.

Photo by Robert Nyman on
Shopping day is over and shopping day two is coming up!
“I’m Hungry”
How many times have I heard this? I think Chinese folk eat far more than we Aussies do, but I am surprised by how often I hear the words above. I’ve spent time in more cafes and restaurants in the past few weeks than I have for the last 3 years!
In a way, it’s rather fun, as I still don’t eat a lot, and we have had to take quite a few packs home, or Jing does. But I have enjoyed a myriad of different foods and all is well.
Shopping. Clothes. Food. Furniture. Toys. Handbags. Supermarkets. I can’t go on about these adventures. Not now. Later. She needs some natural health foods. She will get them here.
The story goes on. I will be back.